
How is Solar Energy Stored? Keep Your Solar Panels Safe

Solar power has become more popular for businesses and households in recent years, and this rising popularity is poised to grow even further in the coming years. However, despite the numerous advantages of this renewable energy source, its greatest flaw is that solar panels can only generate electricity when the sun is shining.

Peak energy consumption for most households comes in the evenings when solar power generation is low or eliminated altogether, leading to a supply-demand problem. This is where solar storage comes into play. Many advancements have been made in solar storage technology in recent years, making it possible to store surplus solar energy when the sun isn’t out. Circle L Solar in Fort Worth, Texas, is here to go into the most promising solar energy storage solutions and how they can transform how we power our businesses and homes.

Solar Energy and Battery Storage

Solar batteries store the surplus energy solar panels generate when the sun is up, for use during cloudy and rainy days, or when the sun sets. A solar battery can make a world of difference in the efficiency of your solar system. Various chemical reactions take place inside solar batteries to store the extra solar energy as potential electricity.

The main types of batteries used to store solar energy include lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, lithium-ion, and flow batteries. The following are the top advantages of pairing your solar system with battery storage:

  • Grid independence
  • You are guaranteed a backup power source during sudden power outages.
  • Solar batteries help you leverage the full benefits of your solar system.
  • You will save a lot of money on electricity bills because you can use the stored energy during peak hours.
  • Solar batteries can be a good solution if you want to go completely off-grid.

Net Metering Energy Storage

Net metering is an innovative solar energy storage solution that allows you to sell the surplus solar energy your panels generate to your local electric grid. Under this utility billing mechanism, the extra power produced by your solar system is credited back to you. If your home is net-metered, you may notice the electric meter running backward. This means, depending on your local net metering regulations, you may receive a credit against the electricity you consume from the grid when it’s cloudy or during the night.

Here are the main advantages of net metering:

  • You can save hundreds of dollars on your annual utility bills.
  • Net metering offers value for surplus energy without purchasing expensive storage systems.
  • The mechanism allows you to be more conscious of your household’s energy consumption, reducing wastage.

Why People Are Making the Switch to Solar

In the last few decades, solar energy has become a powerful and sustainable solution to meet the increasing global energy needs. Homeowners and businesses are adopting solar energy for different reasons, from environmental reasons to financial advantages.

Benefits of Solar Energy

Here are the top reasons people are switching to solar energy:

  • Reduced electric bill. Many households switch to solar to lower their utility bills. While purchasing and installing the panels may be expensive, the long-term savings outweigh the initial investment.
  • Renewable energy source. Going solar can help you combat the impacts of climate change by reducing your carbon footprint. 
  • Financial incentives and tax benefits. Investing in solar power has never been more affordable, thanks to state and federal government incentives. For example, the Solar Investment Tax Credit offers a 30% tax credit on the cost of installing solar panels.
  • Energy independence. Installing solar panels assures you of a continuous power supply during power disruptions or outages caused by unexpected events such as natural disasters.
  • Increased home value. Installing solar panels can raise your home’s value. 

Make the Switch to Solar with the Experts

The sun provides a limitless supply of clean energy, but tapping it can be challenging. More and more people are discovering the power of battery storage in their households to pair with their solar panel systems. Battery storage gives you independence from the grid by offering a continuous power supply in the event of blackouts and outages.

At Circle L Solar, we aspire to help Texas homeowners lower their energy consumption and cost by adopting eco-friendly solutions. If you have a solar system and want to add a battery, we’ve got you covered.

Contact us today to find out which options work best for you.

Image Credit: anatoliy_gleb / Shutterstock


Solar vs. Wind Energy for the Home: A Complete Guide

If you’re ready to take control of your energy consumption, lower your monthly electric bill, and reduce your carbon footprint, you’re likely exploring your options for sustainable energy. Solar energy and wind energy are the two most common options that come to mind for homeowners. By exploring wind and solar energy, you can make an informed decision that best aligns with your needs, goals, and budget, giving you confidence and security in your choice. Circle L Solar in Fort Worth, Texas, is here to go over solar and wind energy for your home today, and help you see which one would best suit your needs.

Wind Turbines

When you picture a wind turbine, you probably see massive structures shooting several hundred feet in the air. However, there are smaller wind turbines that are ideal for residential use. Wind power is a viable option for sustainable energy for some homes.

Residential wind turbines tend to reach around 80 feet into the air. Depending on size, capacity, location, and other factors, the cost of installing a residential wind turbine can be as much as $75,000.

To provide the energy you need for your home, there needs to be sustained winds of around 12 miles per hour. This can be hard to find in a suburban area. If you live in a rural area, it might be a great option with wonderful benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Wind Turbines?

As a homeowner, you want to know more about the benefits of wind energy and wind turbine installation. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Clean, renewable energy
  • Tax credits
  • Possible credits from your local electric company
  • Can lower your electric bill between 50 and 75 percent
  • Runs day or night

When making a decision between wind and solar energy, you have to weigh the benefits and downsides of each option. With wind energy, the biggest downside is that it isn’t a viable option if you don’t live in a rural area.

Solar Panels

Solar energy is generated by homeowners placing panels on the roofs of their homes. In some cases, solar panels are set on the ground, but you would need a significant amount of land to place these panels.

Solar panels can be installed on almost any home, from an urban home in a major city to a small farm in the middle of Texas, and you can enjoy the benefits of solar panels. The average cost runs around $15,000 for the panels and installation, but each job is different.

What Are the Benefits of Solar Panels?

Before making a final decision between wind and solar energy for your home, you need to have a better grasp of the benefits of adding solar panels. These include:

  • Clean, renewable energy
  • Tax credits
  • Some local electric companies will buy your excess solar energy
  • Increase the value of your home
  • Can be used in most residential areas
  • The purchase of a battery allows you to store excess solar power and use it when the sun isn’t out
  • An average savings of $1,500 each year on utility bills

Finding the Right Fit for Your Home

To find the right fit for your home, lifestyle, and budget, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each. The majority of homeowners choose solar energy because it can be used in almost all locations. However, you might prefer the convenience and look of the wind turbine.

Make the Change Today

Solar energy is a popular and widely used choice for most homeowners. At Circle L Solar, we offer turnkey solar energy installation that includes warranties, Tier 1, Class A solar panels, and more. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and provide you with high-quality work.Take the first step towards a sustainable future, and contact us today.

Image Credit: JU.STOCKER / Shutterstock


What Is Solar Energy? How does Solar Energy Work?

Updated: June 27, 2024

At Circle L Solar, before we recommend Solar panels to our customers, we want them to understand the process of how solar energy works. You should always know the general workings and ideas behind anything that can affect you & your family’s home. In this article, we will be discussing Solar Energy, and why it can be the best option for your home.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar Energy is the process of turning radiant energy provided by the sun to power we can harness for our home & community. The sun every day produces an estimated 384.6 yotta watts of electricity. From that amount of energy, 1.74 quadrillion watts strike the earth. In one hour, the sun provides enough energy to power 2.8 trillion light bulbs.

We harness the sun’s energy by using photons from the rays to knock electrons from atoms when they hit the solar panels. Each solar panel is made up of photo-voltaic cells that are made up of silicon usually to help generate an electric field. So, when a photon (sunlight) knocks an electron free, the electric field produced by the cells will push that electron out of the silicon cells to the sides where there are conductive metal plates. From there the plates grab the particles and move them towards wires, where they can flow like any other type of electricity.

Solar Energy and Independence

Solar panels are the key to the future of energy independence for your home & the world. Solar panels installed can save you 60-80% on your electric bills, increase your home’s value, and decrease your carbon footprint. Receive a free quote today from Circle L Solar today and see how we power your circle of life.